You can globally set up your account settings for all your debtors. This way you can provide all your debtors with the same service.
U can set this up by going to My Products / Product Settings / Corporate Clients.
Booking Options
- Minimum reservation time in minutes
- Ultimate online cancellation time in minutes
- Maximum number of passengers
- Passenger name is mandatory
- Passenger phone nr is mandatory
- Arrival address mandatory
- taxiID Business - Show available taxi's for your business clients
- Only accept bookings where the requested pickup time is within the opening hours.
- For minimum booking time take into account work schedule
Mailsetting confirmation mail to customers
- Send text message to passenger if approved in settings
- Send email to passenger when provided *
- Send a text message to change pickup time
- Only communicate the company telephone number towards the passenger
- Show car info in the Taxibutler
* When activating the email setting, your client will get the option to insert an email address. This email address will receive booking confirmation emails when applicable.