Ride notifications

When booking and processing rides you can expect to receive several different email notifications. We send these notifications to one or more email addresses defined by you. This email address is also sent to customers to allow them to contact you for any questions about their order. 

In the dashboard go to: My Products / Product settings / Trip manager. This is where you can define the email addresses you'd like to receive notifications on. In case you want to receive notifications on more than one email address, use a comma separated list. 

Notification emails

You can chose which notifications will be sent when somebody orders a ride. You can do so by selecting the following options:

  • Receive notification for every new ride
  • Receive notification when ride needs to be dispatched

There are more situations that will trigger email notifications like:

  • Ride cancelation
  • Failure to complete automatic dispatch / Action required to dispatch ride
  • Accepting or acknowledging the transfer of rides to or from your connections

Receiving emails as Push notifications

In order to make sure you receive these notifications without delay you'll have to activate push mail.

Click here to find out how to set up push mail on your iPhone or iPad.

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