taxiID Helpcenter
Platform settings
Updates and new features
Online Tripmanager
Frequently asked questions
Passengers and corporate clients
Driver app
Login & Usage
Processing jobs
- How can I cancel a previously accepted ride?
- Why is it important that I convey 'Customer in taxi'?
- What do I do if a customer does not show up at pick up location?
- I see on my phone that I have received a 'job offer' but when I open the app , I see nothing at all?
- What does 'arrived at pickup location' means?
Status & Alerts
Menu & Settings
Frequently asked questions
Passenger App
Corporate clients
Corporate dashboard
Dashboard settings
Frequently asked questions
Settings / miscellaneous
Frequently asked questions
- ★ Getting started with taxiID!
- ★ What does the taxiID Website orderform cost?
- Privacy data removal request
- Can I let customers select a vehicle type in addition to the number of people?
- taxiID Demo instructions
- Change your account details
Website Forms
- Advertising in your emails
- Recieving online payments through Multisafepay
- Change color and style for the orderforms
- Booking options
- Allow retour bookings
- Managing payment methods
Frequently asked questions
- ★ Is there a mobile version of the orderform?
- Can I color orders from a specific form in the journey calendar?
- Can I set up Analytics for my order form?
- Passenger information
- Ride log
- Operator logins