Free ridefields

taxiID offers a set of default fields when creating rides. These fields can be seen in all taxiID products. We do however recognise the desire for taxi companies to obtain additional information from their visitors.

From the product settings (Product Settings -> Master Data -> Free Ridefields) you can create custom fields yourself and add them to different products. Make sure you add the fields to your product.


You can specify different settings for each free ridefield. Below is a description of each different type of setting you can change.

Field Name
This is the name of your field. Make sure you give your custom field a recognisable name so you can easily find and add it to your products.

Field type
We offer six different types of fields:

  1. Text field (for any text values)
  2. Number field (for numeric values)
  3. Checkbox (true / false)
  4. Dropdown (selection from a list of options)
  5. Amount (for any currency values / prices)
  6. Hidden field (not visible to the end-user)

The type of field you choose will determine how the end-user sees the field but also how they enter their information.

Mandatory fields
Some fields can be made mandatory for the end-user. For instance; you could require the end-user to fill in a cost center when booking a ride through your customer dashboard.

Color indication
You can set up your custom fields to trigger a color indication within the Trip Manager. For instance; the end-user ticks your checkbox asking them if they have a wheelchair. You could set this field up to trigger a specific color indication within the Trip Manager so the operator knows a special taxi is required. 

Textual guidance

In order to make sure you receive the information you want from your customers we offer three different methods of labeling your fields.

Field description
This is the first description the end-user will see. There is limited space available for these labels so make sure the value is short and to-the-point. 

You can use the placeholder to show the end-user how you would like to receive the value of that field. For instance; you can show the user how you'd like the zipcode of an address to be formatted.

Help Text
This method allows for a more elaborate description or instruction to your custom field. If you use this method a question mark will show up next to the field. When the end-user hovers over the question mark your help text will be presented to them. On mobile devices the end-user can click on the question mark to see the help text. 

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